Visitors to the R2M Solution stand had the exclusive opportunity to discover firsthand the cutting-edge technologies and solutions offered by Auto-DAN.

From 28 February to 1 March 2023 the Auto-DAN project took part at the Key Conference in Rimini, Italy, making waves at both the RINA and R2M Solution stands A panel intitled “Energy Flexibility from Buildings to Industry” was organized by R2M in collaboration with RINA-C. It provided intriguing insights into Auto-DAN and other interesting projects such as iBECOME project, COLLECTiEF project, Trineflex e DENiM_fof, showcasing how European-funded research is actively testing and enhancing innovative technologies and focusing on optimizing energy flexibility across residential, tertiary building, and industrial contexts.

From 29 November to 1 December 2023 Enlit Europe was hold in Paris, focusing on key topics and themes that are going to guide the energy transition and Auto-DAN was present in the EU Projects Zone.

On 16 November the second Auto-DAN Roadshow took place in Milan (Italy), within the SMART BUILDING EXPO, the only Italian trade fair dedicated to system and technological integration inhome, building and city areas. Two interventions has been organized with interesting insights from project partners, focusing on Augmented Intelligence and Digital Twin solutions for Smart Buildings.

On 23 October at the Fenice Academy in Padua (Itay) and online, a webinar was held on the basics of dynamic energy modelling with some insights into the Auto-DAN project and the technological solutions that are supporting the decarbonization process not only for individual buildings, but for entire districts.

58th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, 29 August 2023
Finally the 58th International Universities Power Engineering Conference was held on 29 August 2023 in Ireland when #AutoDAN was presented during the intervention “Enhance the Effectiveness of Peer-to-Peer Trading in Renewable Energy Community by Innovative Imbalance Price Settlement”.

‘Built Environment: Tools and Best Practices’, 18 July
On 18 July, the training seminar ‘Built Environment: Tools and Best Practices’ was held at ESRIN (the headquarters of the European Space Agency – ESA in Italy) in Rome. During this interesting event Auto-DAN was introduced to the audience, providing insights of the project and its results.

10th International Conference on Modern Power Systems, 21- 23 of June 202
Moreover, in the period 21st – 23rd of June 202 Auto-DAN was presented to a worldwide audience at the 10th International Conference on Modern Power Systems held in `Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), 22 June 2023
On the 22 June 2023 Auto-DAN Project took part in the webinar “Optimizing Buildings Energy Performance: H2020 Projects Insight” within the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) event, dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. It was a choral workshop organized together with COLLECTiEF project, iBECOME project & SATO Project.

From 14th to 16th June 2023 the 11th annual edition of Sustainable Places (SP2023) took place in Madrid (Spain). The conference featured several activities related to the sustainability sector, to support and promote the adoption of new technologies in energy efficiency in buildings. Auto-DAN project had the opportunity to attend this event, organizing a workshop on leveraging IoT-enabled Digital Twins toghter with the projects iBECOME, STEPUP and ESHER; moreover, a presentation of the project in a single dedicated session was given by the coordinator.

From 12 to 14 June 2023 the International Conference on Future Energy Solutions (FES2023) was hold in Vaasa (Finland). FES2023 was a golden opportunity to hear new research, ideas and initiatives, as well as interact with key decision leaders in the energy-related fields.
Auto-DAN project submitted the successful paper “H2020 Auto-DAN Project: Enhance the Participation of the Community to Demand Response by Providing the State-of-the-Art Technological and Policy Solution” that was presented during this interesting event.

On 24 May 2023 the first Auto-DAN Project Roadshow was organized at Palazzo Terragni by R2M Solution in collaboration with the Municipality of Lissone; project partners presented the main project developments and interesting sessions was held on innovative smart building solutions by the sister projects iBECOME , COLLECTiEF Smart Square Project.
In this occasion there was also the opportunity to visit Delta Ecopolis Demos and an useful user engagement session was organized to receive a feedback on the Auto-DAN dashboard by Delta Ecopolis end-users.

On 23 March 2023 the SmartBuilt4EU Final Conference was held in Bruxelles (Belgium); it was the closing event of the SmartBuilt4EU project organized by the SmartBuilt4EU H2020 project and the European Commission. SmartBuilt4EU Final Conference aims both to explore the concept of smart buildings as a promising solution to optimize energy efficiency, reduce costs, and improve occupants comfort and to facilitate the exchange of information between EU-funded projects and national initiatives in the field of smart buildings and the related business, policy and media.
Auto-DAN had the opportunity to take part in this conference, involving 230 attendees from all over Europe; it has been introduced to a wide audience of relevant projects and organisations, presenting its objectives, results and progress in a dedicated session called “Smartness upgrades and the Smart Readiness Indicator”. This lasted one hour in total, involving different EU-funded projects through project pitches and panel session.
During last six months Auto-DAN had the opportunity to continue to disseminate intensively by participating in a variety of events.

The Auto-DAN project participated to the European Sustainable Energy Week 2022 (EUSEW 2022) to the EUSEW Networking Village, where RINA-C obtained a stand dedicated to several H2020 projects dedicated to energy retrofit and energy efficiency solutions for buildings. Auto-DAN was part of a Roll-up that was created specifically for the event, reporting key points about the project topic. At the stand the project was presented to several participated that passed by and flyers of the project were distributed.

Regarding the event “IEA EBC Annex 79: 9th Expert Meeting” (September 21, 2022 Online participation )the Auto-DAN participated addressing the scientific community as audience. In fact, the event was an experts symposium organized in the framework of an International Energy Agency experts’ taskforce on energy-relevant occupant behavior in buildings. An extended abstract was submitted as a contribution for participating to the event and it was accepted. The presentation was dedicated to a general overview of the project, with a particular emphasis on human-related aspects such as the design of the users’ interface. Very good feedback were obtained by the experts of the scientific community participating to the event. The presentation lasted for 10 minutes, while the Q&A lasted for 15 minutes.

From 6th September to 9th September the 10th annual edition of Sustainable Places (SP2022) took places in Nice, France. It was a four day hybrid event, focus on sustainability in buildings and in all the built environment. Sustainable Places features sustainability topics across different scales, from the building, district and urban scale to include our transport and energy infrastructures, reflecting the European Commission societal challenges and priorities.
Auto-DAN project participated in a workshop titled “Innovations for Upgrading the Smartness of Buildings”. The event, which lasted for 3 hours, had 30 attendees in person and 20 online participants.
In this workshop first a status update on the testing and implementation of the SRI indicator across Europe was proposed. Following this, several EU-supported Innovation projects, including Auto-DAN, were presented, highlighting the value propositions of their expected smart building innovations and associated impacts. Finally, all participants were invited to reflect and provide feedback on the roadmap and Smart Building R&I priorities developed by the SmartBuilt4EU project in a joint collective and interactive session.
The event was promoted by the Auto-DAN social media pages (Twitter and Linkedin). Figure 19 shows the event cover.

May 2022: The AUTODAN and iBECOME projects are happy to announce their participation at the EU Green Week conference with a joint online workshop titled “Intelligent Buildings supporting energy transition and EU Green Deal”.
The event will be hold on the 31st of May 2022 (10-12 CEST). You can register for free here.
More info about the two projects:
Auto-DAN is a 48 month Horizon 2020 project which aims to enable homes and small businesses across the EU to optimize their energy consumption and provide an assessment of the live energy performance of a building which takes into account the quality of appliances/systems installed, user operational habits and the smart readiness of a building.
iBECOME is a 42 month Horizon 2020 project which aims at demonstrating a combination of novel technologies and new business models in the form of a virtual Building Management System (vBMS) for optimizing buildings energy performance and comfort conditions, while reducing the operational costs by leveraging demand response.
Agenda of the event available here.

April 2022: Be sure to check out the latest Auto-DAN project newsletter. This edition introduces us to CiviESCo, one of our consortium members based in Italy. In addition, we highlight the Palazzo Terragni demonstration site, which is based in Lissone, Italy. The newsletter is available in our downloads section.

March 2022: The Auto-DAN project held our third whole consortium meeting, which was hosted by IES R&D and held in Dublin on March 30th and 31st, 2022. The meeting, which corresponded with the end of the project’s first reporting period was attended, both in person and virtually by all members of the consortium. In addition to having many important project related discussions, the meeting also enabled partners to visit one of our demonstration sites, namely the Greenogue and Aerodrome Business Map in Dublin, Ireland. It was fantastic to have the project partners meet in person and collaborate together after implementing the first 18 months of the project virtually.

March 2022: We are delighted to have been included in the recent SmartBuilt4EU brochure. Make sure to check out the document at the link below and find out more about Auto-DAN and our sister projects.
As part of the 2021 EU Sustainable Energy Week, the Auto-DAN project, in partnership with our sister project SATO took part in a virtual event. The AI2 for Self-Assessment of Building Energy Performance introduced both of these H2020 funded project, while the SATO team presented their progress to date. In support of Auto-DAN’s co-design framework we carried out a workshop aimed at soliciting feedback regarding potential end-users perception of various user engagement dashboards. In case you missed the event you can watch the video below.